student learning

Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning offering online micro courses

The CTTL is a preK-12 teacher-led, school-based research center. The center uses mind, brain and education science – the most promising research and strategies in how a student’s brain learns, changes and thrives – to elevate teacher effectiveness, student achievement, social-emotional learning and the whole child school experience.

By |2020-10-28T14:06:41-04:00October 28, 2020|

Registration for Innovations conference is open

Registration is open for the Innovations for Learning Conference May 31 at Bryan Station High School (Fayette County). Space is limited. The event is for administrators or anyone else interested in using technology to improve student learning. Go to Look at the “Sessions” list and see what is being offered. Those interested also can see if sessions still have [...]

By |2012-05-02T14:01:59-04:00May 3, 2012|
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