Going loopy over STEM in Bullitt County

This year’s Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition for middle and high schools in Bullitt County required constructing a roller coaster in less than two hours using specific materials and without parental assistance. Each roller coaster was required to have one loop, two hills, one curve and a completed Engineering Design Project (EDP) narrative. Teams could earn bonus points for [...]

By |2019-02-27T11:19:51-05:00March 5, 2019|

Bringing career tech to the fore

During the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education's annual conference in Louisville, Interim Commissioner Wayne Lewis announced a new campaign to increase the public's awareness about career and technical education. 

By |2018-07-31T10:23:37-04:00July 31, 2018|

STEM camp for girls

For Arushi Gupta, there's a specific goal in mind when it comes to her summer STEM camps for girls. 

By |2018-07-12T09:31:24-04:00July 17, 2018|

A challenging STEM competition

Bullitt County has come up with a unique way of making sure more of the district's younger students get the chance to test their building skills with the STEM Challenge.

By |2018-04-12T08:45:41-04:00April 10, 2018|
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