
Free claim-evidence-reasoning workshop for science teachers

The Collaborative for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is holding a free virtual workshop with one-hour sessions for middle and high school science teachers who want to learn more about using claim-evidence-reasoning to support students in constructing clear and concise scientific explanations. The sessions will be held July 20 and 24, Aug. 3 and 20, and Sept. 3.

By |2020-05-22T09:48:38-04:00May 22, 2020|

Educators work on science standard-setting process

Kentucky educators from across the state met at the Lexington Embassy Suites on July 17-19 to provide recommendations for cut scores for each of the performance levels for the new science assessments at grades 4 and 7.

By |2018-08-02T10:38:16-04:00August 2, 2018|

STEM camp for girls

For Arushi Gupta, there's a specific goal in mind when it comes to her summer STEM camps for girls. 

By |2018-07-12T09:31:24-04:00July 17, 2018|
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