On the flip side
More teachers are sending lessons home first before introducing them in the classroom.
More teachers are sending lessons home first before introducing them in the classroom.
The Fayette County school is one of three Kentucky public schools to earn Blue Ribbon honor.
Heath Middle School (McCracken County) students Conner Kelly, Hayden Faughn, Garrett Childress and Katelyn Woodard make biosoap at the Emerging Technology Center at West Kentucky Community & Technical College.Photo by U.S. Department of Energy By Matthew Tungate matthew.tungate@education.ky.gov When an official with the U.S. Department of Energy offered 6th-grade science teacher Brandy Roberts a chance to take her [...]
The deadline has been extended to Feb. 15 for mini-grants to increase girls' interest in science, engineering and technology. The Kentucky Girls STEM Collaborative, a statewide initiative to encourage girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), is currently offering mini-grants of up to $1,000. Teachers, community groups and other organizations committed to collaborating, informing and motivating girls [...]
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) -- the nation's highest honors for K-12 mathematics and science teachers. The awards alternate annually between K-6 teachers and those in grades 7-12. The 2013 awards honor 7-12 mathematics and science teachers. Nominations can be made here. The nomination deadline is April [...]
Glasgow Independent enriching learning through innovative curriculum.
Middle school takes animals on the road for learning.
The National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) is hosting a professional development experience for Kentucky science educators and administrators on Oct. 18. Kentucky Department of Education Science Consultant Sean Elkins will open the session with the most up-to-date information concerning the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and timeline for Kentucky schools. Two special concurrent sessions offered only to Kentucky science educators [...]
Top Kentucky teachers recognized for their science and mathematics instruction.
The Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition (KCFC) and the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project have partnered to provide two area teacher workshops. These workshops will provide energy professional development opportunities for classroom teachers and engaging and exciting energy curriculum for students in today’s classrooms. The workshops are scheduled for Sept. 18 at the Hampton Inn in Pikeville and Sept. 20 [...]