
EKU planetarium offers three new shows for children

The Hummel Planetarium at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond offers several academic field trips for students of various ages. The planetarium is offering three new shows: “The Accidental Astronauts, an Earth, Sun, Moon Adventure,” for ages 3-8 “Earth, Moon and Sun – Hold on Tight!” for ages 5-11 “Two Small Pieces of Glass: The Amazing Telescope,” for ages 6 and [...]

By |2017-02-23T09:00:56-05:00February 23, 2017|

U of L’s planetarium offers science adventure summer camps

The planetarium at the University of Louisville will host camps for science enthusiasts this summer with activities ranging from astronaut training and rocket launching to kaleidoscope making. Visit for details and registration, or call the planetarium at (502) 852-6664.  

By |2020-10-14T09:28:15-04:00April 26, 2012|
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