Kentucky Historical Society

History smArts program scheduling fall visits

The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) is now scheduling its History smArts program for this fall. The program offers in-school experiences for all grade levels. Museum educators travel into classrooms to teach arts-infused history lessons with hands-on activities that the students can take home. Students become historians as they analyze images from KHS collections and do a hands-on activity such as [...]

By |2015-07-09T08:20:14-04:00July 9, 2015|

Historical Society offers weeklong Civil War workshop

The application deadline for the Kentucky Historical Society’s (KHS) 2015 Summer Teacher Workshop, “Torn Within, Threatened Without: Kentucky and the Border States in the Civil War,” has been extended. The workshop, which will be offered June 21-27 in Frankfort, is being held in cooperation with historic sites and museums in Kentucky that will be visited during the week. Sessions on and [...]

By |2019-03-22T15:26:30-04:00March 3, 2015|

KHS offers art-related lessons to elementary classrooms

The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) offers History smArts, an art-related history lesson, to classrooms in grades 3-5. In History smArts, students will analyze historic images from the KHS collection, discuss what they see and do a fun, hands-on art activity. Students develop visual literacy, historical literacy and critical thinking skills. Activity options include artifact analysis and drawing, pioneer pastimes (making [...]

By |2015-03-02T08:07:45-05:00February 26, 2015|

Judges needed for National History Day contests

The Kentucky Historical Society is seeking judges for its regional and statewide National History Day in Kentucky contests. Nearly 3,000 students participate in the program each year, competing for the opportunity to attend state and national contests by conducting original primary source research on a topic of their choosing that supports an annual theme. Judges will review projects on a [...]

By |2020-09-23T12:43:44-04:00January 22, 2015|

KHS HistoryMobile available for spring school visits

The Kentucky Historical Society HistoryMobile is now being scheduled for spring visits at schools. The full-size trailer contains the interactive exhibit, “Torn Within and Threatened Without: Kentuckians in the Civil War Era.” The exhibit uses touch-screen activities, bold illustrations, authentic artifacts, personal recollections and other components to allow students to meet eight Kentuckians who faced difficult choices during the Civil [...]

By |2014-12-10T14:17:38-05:00December 11, 2014|

Historical Society streamlines website

The Kentucky Historical Society has revamped its website to provide more streamlined access to the resources educators seek. Whether you are a teacher looking for field trip information or professional development opportunities or a school principal who wants to develop a museum-school collaboration, you'll find everything you need to start at

By |2014-09-24T17:14:49-04:00September 25, 2014|

Military history lessons go beyond the battle

Six teachers developed 12 lessons using the Kentucky Military History Museum this summer. The lessons, which strive to get students thinking about the military’s role in the state’s history, will be available statewide this fall.

By |2020-10-05T11:38:18-04:00August 19, 2014|

Teachers needed to develop lessons for Kentucky Military History Museum

The Kentucky Historical Society will be sponsoring a summer curriculum camp June 23 -28 to develop lesson plans for the Kentucky Military History Museum. We are seeking six history teachers (two elementary, two middle school and two high school) for this opportunity.  Each teacher will be paid $600, which will be paid upon the completion and submission of two lesson [...]

By |2014-04-15T13:28:38-04:00April 16, 2014|

New KY MEdia Bank

The “Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky” is the first in a series of intriguing topics that teachers can address in their classrooms through KY MEdia Bank, a new online “public scrapbook.” The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) created the website as both an innovative teaching tool for K-12 students and as a place where the public can capture, share and archive [...]

By |2014-02-27T08:59:41-05:00February 27, 2014|
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