Kentucky Historical Society offers History smArts outreach program
The Kentucky Historical Society’s outreach program, History smArts, enhances skills in visual and historical literacy among students with the aid of artifact collections.
The Kentucky Historical Society’s outreach program, History smArts, enhances skills in visual and historical literacy among students with the aid of artifact collections.
The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) offers History smArts, an art-related history lesson, to classrooms in grades 3-5. In History smArts, students will analyze historic images from the KHS collection, discuss what they see and do a fun, hands-on art activity. Students develop visual literacy, historical literacy and critical thinking skills. Activity options include artifact analysis and drawing, pioneer pastimes (making [...]
The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) is now scheduling its History smArts program for this fall. The program offers in-school experiences for all grade levels. Museum educators travel into classrooms to teach arts-infused history lessons with hands-on activities that the students can take home. Students become historians as they analyze images from KHS collections and do a hands-on activity such as [...]
The Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) offers History smArts, an art-related history lesson, to classrooms in grades 3-5. In History smArts, students will analyze historic images from the KHS collection, discuss what they see and do a fun, hands-on art activity. Students develop visual literacy, historical literacy and critical thinking skills. Activity options include artifact analysis and drawing, pioneer pastimes (making [...]