Kentucky World Language Association announces awards at fall conference
KWLA award its Outstanding Teacher of the Year and Outstanding Rising Star Teacher awards during the KWLA Fall Conference on Sept. 30.
KWLA award its Outstanding Teacher of the Year and Outstanding Rising Star Teacher awards during the KWLA Fall Conference on Sept. 30.
The K-12 Education Administration of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan established the International Exchange Window (IEW) platform in 2022. The IEW program is hoping to partner with schools in Kentucky to correspond with schools in Taiwan.
The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) has been connecting and assisting German teachers across the nation since its inception in 1926.
Fayette County's Laura Roché Youngworth has received the 2016 Southern Conference on Language Teaching Teacher of the Year Award.
The International Children’s Digital Library website houses thousands of children’s books in different languages.
The Georgia State University Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research will host four workshops on foreign language teaching in July in Atlanta. The schedule of workshops: “Technology and Foreign Language Teaching,” July 6-8 “Enhancing Your Language Instruction: SLA Basics for Teachers,” July 9-11 “Assessment in the Language Classroom,” July 13-15 “Teaching Heritage Language Learners: Needs and Networks,” July 16-18 [...]
Global competence is critical for innovation in the 21st century. The next step for Kentucky’s commitment to college- and career-readiness is to ensure that global-readiness is a part of this strategy. To borrow from a National Education Association policy brief on the issue, this means that students acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of international issues and an appreciation of [...]