
Disparity in school discipline

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday Reggie was on the school playground acting out a game of cops and robbers when it happened. He pointed his index finger, thumb up, at a classmate and said “pow.” The next thing you know he was in the principal’s office looking at a three-day suspension. Reggie is black, male, and is a 4-year [...]

By |2020-01-28T11:37:56-05:00April 8, 2014|

Rethinking school discipline

Education Commissioner Terry Holliday On January 8, 2014, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan released a “Dear Colleague” letter to state chiefs regarding new discipline guidelines. The overarching purpose of the new discipline guidelines is to address apparent disparities in discipline data. In Kentucky, we have very safe schools and teachers feel strongly that school discipline policies are working. [...]

By |2020-08-25T07:51:45-04:00February 11, 2014|
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