
Blending mathematics instruction for elementary grades

Education Week and Dreambox are sponsoring a free webinar Feb. 13, 2014, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, based on the idea of blended learning-combining digital curricula and tools with face-to-face instruction-for elementary grades in mathematics. Facilitators will provide successful approaches for implementing this technique, including resources, strategies and examples of instruction, as well as tips for modeling blended learning [...]

By |2020-10-29T10:54:21-04:00February 6, 2014|

Open textbook, education resources

The following teaching and learning materials are available for free in the public domain and are provided by Kathy Mansfield, library media and textbook consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education, for consideration by educators to supplement the curriculum.

By |2020-10-14T07:58:50-04:00June 19, 2012|
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