Campbell County

Lt. Gov. Abramson joins Campbell County officials to launch ‘Close the Deal’

Lieutenant Governor Jerry Abramson  joined local officials, educators and the business community yesterday to launch a state pilot program challenging Campbell County High School seniors to pursue additional education after they graduate.   The Close the Deal initiative creates a college-going culture in high schools for students who aren’t yet considering higher education. The program supports high school counselors, and [...]

By |2012-10-03T13:29:27-04:00October 4, 2012|

Use it or lose it: World languages focus on communication

Kentucky students who go to a foreign country are sometimes faced with a significant problem – they can’t ask for food. More specifically, they can’t order the food they want, according to Jacque Van Houten, world language and international education consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education.

By |2019-06-26T14:04:24-04:00September 1, 2010|
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