Bowling Green Independent

STLP projects bring 21st century skills to Kentucky family farms

Trimble County High School students Luke Mullins and Zach Burkhardt were raised on family farms in rural north central Kentucky just like the generations before them. Their school’s student technology leadership program (STLP) gave them the opportunity to explore how to improve their farm operations.

By |2023-12-13T09:09:43-05:00June 28, 2022|

24 Kentucky Valvoline Teacher Achievement Award winners named for 2022

The Kentucky Department of Education and Valvoline Inc. have selected 24 outstanding Kentucky educators as recipients of the 2022 Valvoline™ Teacher Achievement Awards (TAA). These teachers qualify to compete for the 2022 Kentucky Teacher of the Year Award, which will be announced in September.

By |2021-07-08T16:41:32-04:00July 8, 2021|
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