Boone County

Semifinalists named for 2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year

Nine outstanding teachers from across the state – three elementary, three middle and four high school– are semifinalists for the 2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year award, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and Valvoline Inc. announced on Sept. 1.

By |2020-10-21T10:36:49-04:00September 1, 2020|

24 Kentucky Valvoline Teacher Achievement Award winners named for 2021

The Kentucky Department of Education and Valvoline Inc. have selected 24 outstanding Kentucky educators as recipients of the 2021 Valvoline™ Teacher Achievement Awards (TAA). These teachers qualify to compete for the 2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year Award which will be announced in October.

By |2020-10-21T10:39:05-04:00July 15, 2020|

Kentucky students win National Security Language Initiative scholarships

Nine students at The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University have received a nationally-competitive National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Scholarships for immersive, critical language study this summer and next academic year.

By |2020-05-22T10:09:13-04:00May 22, 2020|

Using social media to lift other teachers up

Teachers should be supporting other teachers; not competing against one another or trying to outdo the person in the classroom down the hall. We should be sharing our ideas, celebrating one another’s successes and trying to lift one another up when we are down.

By |2019-12-11T10:36:51-05:00December 11, 2019|

All students succeed at SkillsUSA

Students came to the national SkillsUSA conference for the competition, and they benefitted from the experience no matter where they finished.

By |2019-07-15T13:50:39-04:00July 16, 2019|
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