Real science for real life: Buoyancy
The Kentucky Academy of Science helps you understand the science behind buoyancy.
The Kentucky Academy of Science helps you understand the science behind buoyancy.
ReadWorks provides nonfiction articles covering numerous science topics to help students build topical background knowledge, retain new vocabulary and increase reading automaticity.
The University of Kentucky’s Department of Biology and the Friends of the Lexington Public Library will present a panel discussion on genetics and genomics Oct. 19 at the Lexington Public Library Central Library. The discussion is designed to engage the general public in current topics in genetics and genomics, such as genome editing and manipulation, agricultural genetics, genetically modified organism [...]
A free science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) consortium on making mathematics and science accessible for blind students will be held in conjunction with the American Printing House for the Blind’s annual meeting at 10 a.m. Oct. 6 at the Hyatt Regency Louisville. The meeting will feature a series of presentations on issues related to the development and delivery of [...]
SCALE and the Literacy Design Collaborative have released a set of Next Generation Science Standards-aligned student work rubrics for K-12.
Oldham County's Kathy Beardsley integrated the Discovery Channel's 'Shark Week" and hands-on science activities at a Summer Literacy Camp for a one-of-a-kind science and literacy experience.
A parent of a student at Second Street Elementary School (Frankfort Independent) shares what he learned during a recent districtwide “Campus Beautification day.
The Teacher Renewal Summer Institute is an opportunity for educators at all levels to learn, grow and make lasting relationships through common interests.
Look to PBS for new ways to introduce science, social studies, art, math and health concepts to your youngest students.
Terry Rhodes shares what she and the teachers she worked with learned through three years of collaboration and networking as part of the Science Teacher Leader Network.