Make your school a healthier place for everyone
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model calls for schools, families and communities to work together to create healthier school environments.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model calls for schools, families and communities to work together to create healthier school environments.
RMC Health, a professional development organization, has released a tool to assist schools in transforming into healthy school communities.
The Science Assessment System Through Course Task Resource Bank is now available with at least one task at each grade level.
Clark County's Maggie Doyle shares how she learned that integrating a performance task into a unit in her high school mathematics classroom doesn't have to mean sacrificing content or pacing.
The professional learning community is a buzzword in the educational world, with schools and districts setting up schedules and mandating PLC time. Some educators, however, wonder if the original intent and purpose of professional learning communities has been lost.
Share your thoughts about November's math question with the Kentucky Department of Education mathematics consultants.
Robert Kaplinsky’s, a mathematics teacher specialist in California, says teachers can open their classroom doors and inspire each other to build a culture of continuous improvement.
Ilona N. Burdette is the new director of the Kentucky Virtual Library, a program of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.
Renee Hale, library media specialist at Drakes Creek Middle School (Warren County) and the 2016-17 president of the Kentucky Association of School Librarians, shares her thoughts about where she thinks school libraries are headed.
In order to provide common messaging related to the Science Assessment System, KDE has scheduled orientation sessions across the Commonwealth. Each of the sessions is comprised of a half day orientation for administrators and a full day of learning for teachers.