From the desk of the commissioner, Dr. Robbie Fletcher

Gov. Andy Beshear announced during a Feb. 13 Team Kentucky weekly update that the Kentucky Department of Education would receive an additional $14.7 million to fully fund all of the statutorily required SEEK payments for the 2024-2025 school year.

On behalf of Kentucky’s public schools, we express our sincere appreciation to Governor Beshear. His decision to increase the SEEK appropriation, based on the language in House Bill 6, allows the Kentucky Department of Education to fully fund the statutorily required SEEK payments of $14.7 million to Kentucky’s public schools.

KDE’s long-standing mission is to establish broad partnerships to provide leadership and support so that every student is equipped for the future. This action demonstrates what can be achieved for public school students through collaborative efforts. 

Governor Beshear’s decision to increase the SEEK appropriation to meet the required payments is a significant development for our public schools and cannot be overstated. Again, thank you Governor.

KDE will continue to collaborate with its partners in the General Assembly for potential future funding for those items conditioned on the availability of funds. We appreciate the partnerships that are being built with members of the General Assembly as we all work toward what is best for the Commonwealth’s students. 

I also want to thank the staff of the Kentucky Department of Education, specifically Division Director Chay Ritter, Associate Commissioner Matt Ross, and Deputy Commissioner Todd Allen. Their “behind-the-scenes” work provided timely data and insight for the Governor while making this decision. Each of these gentlemen demonstrate on a daily basis what it means to be “ALL IN KY.”

Finally, congratulations to our public schools. This is a great day for educators and for those who matter most – OUR STUDENTS.