The results of the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation’s Report Card, were release on Oct. 24. The results show Kentucky’s public school students’ NAEP performance is consistent with those of the rest of the nation.
“This year’s NAEP results are not unexpected and show the profound impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our students,” said Education Commissioner and Chief Learner Jason E. Glass. “These assessment results will serve as the baseline from which we will move forward as we continue to navigate learning post-pandemic and help our students recover from the interrupted learning.”
Glass said Kentucky’s scores align with results seen across the country and with what was seen on this year’s 2022 School Report Card.
“There is no quick fix for the challenges our students faced during the pandemic and for what we face now,” said Glass. “Kentucky received more than $2 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act to help accelerate learning. Almost all of that funding went to districts, which more money going to districts with the highest need.
“Even with these resources, recovering from so much interrupted learning will take time. We must use this data strategically to help inform us of where our students are and provide appropriate supports to keep them moving ahead.”
Student performance on NAEP fits into one of four categories: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient or Advanced. In 2017, 2019 and 2022 NAEP administered a digitally based assessment (DBA) instead of a paper-based assessment.
2022 NAEP Scale Scores – Kentucky Compared to Other States/Jurisdictions
2022 NAEP Achievement Level Percentages
NOTE: The Basic level signifies partial mastery of the knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work in a grade and subject. Proficient denotes solid academic performance demonstrating competency over challenging subject matter, including subject-matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations and analytical skills. Advanced represents superior performance beyond proficiency. Proficient is not the same as being “on grade level,” which refers to student performance based on local standards and curriculum that can vary among school districts.
The NAEP reading assessment tests students on literary and informational texts. The questions measure students’ ability to locate and recall, integrate and interpret, and critique and evaluate.
NAEP Reading Scale Scores – Trends Since 2011
The mathematics assessment addresses five content areas: number properties and operations; measurement; geometry; data analysis, statistics, and probability; and algebra.
NAEP Mathematics Scale Scores – Trends Since 2011
NAEP is given to a representative, random sampling of students in 4th and 8th grades across the country.
For more than 50 years, NAEP has been the country’s only nationally representative and continuing survey of students’ educational achievement. The assessment is authorized by Congress, directed by the National Center for Education Statistics and developed by Educational Testing Service of Princeton, N.J. Westat, Inc. of Rockville, Md., conducts sample selection and data collection.
More information and all data is available on the Nation’s Report Card.
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