Considerations for Reopening Schools: Completion of CTE Industry Certifications and Lab-Based Dual Credit Coursework and Facilities and Logistics

By Sky Carroll

The Kentucky Department of Education released two new guidance documents on June 29 on logistics and facility considerations when schools reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and plans for reopening career and technical education (CTE) centers.

One of the documents, “COVID-19 Considerations for Reopening Schools: Facilities and Logistics,” provides information regarding cleaning and sanitation, changes to support social distancing, changes in patterns for vehicular and foot traffic and building security. It also includes a link to a room capacity calculator.

The other document, “COVID-19 Plan for Reopening Secondary Career and Technical (CTE) Facilities for Completion of Industry Certifications and Lab-Based Dual Credit Coursework,” is specific to the reopening of CTE facilities. It establishes a plan for districts and area technology centers for when districts allow students to return to CTE facilities during the summer to complete coursework and lab work from the 2019-2020 school year, and outlines general requirements for districts when making these plans.

As the situation with the pandemic evolves, KDE is creating new guidance documents to meet the needs of Kentucky’s schools and districts. More guidance and resources can be found on KDE’s COVID-19 webpage.