(Frankfort, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking public comment on its request for a waiver (called a Tydings waiver) to use carryover federal funds rather than returning them to the federal government.
According to 34. C.F.R. 76.709, KDE must return to the federal government any federal grant monies not obligated by the end of the grant carryover period. KDE has approximately $11,874,337 carried over from Fiscal Year 2017 School Improvement 1003(a) funding and will be requesting a waiver period of two additional years to obligate the funds. This money is designated by the federal government to go directly to the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools. The funds have not been obligated because CSI schools were not identified in 2016.
If the waiver is granted, the School Improvement 1003(a) funds will be used to support school improvement work in the recently identified CSI schools in Kentucky. These funds will be used to implement evidence-based practices in the CSI schools to build leadership capacity and sustainable improvement systems, and increase student achievement.
A description of the proposed waiver is available on the Kentucky Department of Education’s website.
Any individual or organization may submit written comments on the proposed waiver through the close of business on March 1.
Send written comments on the proposed waiver to: Kelly Foster, Kentucky Department of Education, 300 Sower Boulevard, Fifth Floor, Sower Building, Frankfort, KY 40601, or email her at Kelly.Foster@education.ky.gov.
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