(FRANKFORT, Ky.) – Additional training dates are now available for school and nonprofit organization sponsors of the 2016 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). School districts and nonprofit organizations — including churches and faith-based organizations, as well as government entities — are encouraged to participate as sponsors in the Summer Food Service Program and are invited to attend training.
In addition, the Kentucky Department of Education, Division of School and Community Nutrition, will offer best practice sessions to provide sponsors with tools and resources for enhancing their summer meals programs. One-on-one help also is available to assist potential sponsors in completing the online application.
The SFSP provides nutritious meals and/or snacks free of charge to children 18 and under without regard to race, color, national origin, age (within regulatory limits), sex or disability, from May until September when schools are not in session. Sponsors of the Summer Food Service Program receive reimbursement for all eligible meals served.
Qualified sponsors are reimbursed for program operating and administrative expenses based on the number of eligible meals served. To be eligible, sponsors must:
- provide continuing service to the community
- serve meals to children in eligible areas or to groups of designated eligible children
- show they are financially and administratively capable of operating the program
Different training dates are offered for new and returning school and nonprofit sponsors. New and returning private, nonprofit sponsor training will be held March 1, on the 23rd floor of the Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero St., in Frankfort.
New and returning schools sponsor training will be held March 2, on the 23rd floor of the Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero St., in Frankfort.
Training will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. ET both days.
For experienced sponsors only, there is an option of viewing a recorded online training, starting in March. Registration for access to recorded trainings should be completed through the same website as live trainings and will be open after January.
Summer Food Service Program Best Practices Workshops for nonprofit and school sponsors will be held:
- February 9: WKU Knicely Center, Bowling Green
- February 23: Corbin Center, Corbin
- March 8: Morehead Conference Center, Morehead
- March 15: 23rd Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street, Frankfort
Workshops will begin at 9 a.m. local time and end by 3 p.m. local time.
SFSP application services support for all potential sponsors will be available:
- February 10: WKY Knicely Center, Bowling Green
- February 24: Corbin Center, Corbin
- March 9: Morehead Conference Center, Morehead
- March 16: 23rd Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street, Frankfort
After participants have registered, they will be contacted to sign up for two-hour time slots.
Interested participants for any of the trainings, workshops or sessions should pre-register for the training online at https://cnips.education.ky.gov/cnips/Splash.aspx.
Find “Training Registration” under the Links section on the left side of the above webpage. Please contact Mike Sullivan at (502) 564-5625, ext. 4930, with questions or for additional information.
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