From offering online classes to creating digital textbooks to flipping classrooms, Kentucky teachers are embracing technology because of the benefits to students. 

Now there is a special day to recognize the power of digital learning in the classroom.  On February 6,  thousands of students, parents, educators and community members across the country will celebrate the second annual Digital Learning Day.  Here in Kentucky, many teachers will be participating, and it’s not too late to join.  These are just a few of the ways in which teachers can take part:

  • Make a video about how your school or class is using technology to engage students and improve instruction
  • Try out a new resource,  app or activity that you haven’t used before with your class
  • Write a blog post about your favorite digital tools and share with colleagues

At you can find more ideas for getting involved as well as examples of class blogs, videos, experiments and projects from schools across the nation.   There is also a certificate of participation that you can print for students or display in your classroom.

If your school or district web site showcases teaching and learning that involve the effective use of technology, we would love to share your story.  Send the link to the web site to  along with a few sentences about the content being featured.  On February 6, we will publish the link on our Digital Learning Day web site with a brief description of your school’s participation.  Don’t forget to visit the site (which you can access from the KDE home page here) to learn more about the exciting digital learning activities occurring throughout Kentucky.