The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) recently released draft model content frameworks for public review.

The model content frameworks will identify the big ideas in the Common Core State Standards for each grade level and will help determine the focus for various PARCC assessments being developed by the 24-state consortium. The frameworks are being created through a collaborative process that includes state experts and members of the team that wrote the Common Core State Standards.

“The frameworks are an important part of developing high-quality assessments that are linked to the Common Core State Standards and an expectation of college- and/or career-readiness,” said Laura Slover, senior vice president at Achieve, which is the project manager for the PARCC consortium. “We look forward to receiving feedback from all stakeholders and continuing this collaborative, state-led process.”

The public review period allows for feedback from a wide group of stakeholders, including K-12 educators, curriculum and assessment experts and postsecondary faculty.

Tamara Reavis, who chairs the PARCC working group on implementation of the Common Core State Standards, said the final frameworks will support states and districts in their efforts to implement the Common Core.

“The frameworks build a bridge between the Common Core State Standards and the PARCC assessment system that will be a valuable tool for states as they implement the standards in the coming years,” said Reavis, director of Assessment and Accountability for the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

From Aug. 3-17, the draft frameworks in English language arts/literacy and mathematics are posted on the PARCC website. Interested parties can provide feedback through a survey also posted on the PARCC website, answering questions specific to their particular content area of interest.

All feedback will be reviewed by the developers of the frameworks and appropriate adjustments will be made. Final model content frameworks will be released in the fall.

For more information or to view the frameworks, visit