Guest Columns

SCAPA at Bluegrass builds on Family Friendly culture

The Family Friendly Schools certification process for the School for Creative and Performing Arts at Bluegrass (SCAPA) seemed to be a natural progression of our dedication to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students and their families

By |2023-09-14T16:28:44-04:00September 14, 2023|

Joanna Stevens: I liked being a part of something bigger on the KBE

On the first day of the school year, I show each of my classes a clip from the movie “Fever Pitch.” Jimmy Fallon plays a teacher who is obsessed with the Boston Red Sox, and Drew Barrymore plays a businesswoman who knows very little about baseball. In one scene, it appears that Fallon is going to propose to Barrymore. However, instead of an engagement ring, Fallon offers opening game tickets.  

By |2023-06-21T16:14:35-04:00June 8, 2023|

Joud Dahleh: Serving on the KBE was empowering as a student 

This year has been the most fulfilling time in my life, and that is not an exaggeration. In terms of opportunity, knowledge and connections, this year has been phenomenal thanks to my position on the Kentucky Board of Education. I would like to say thank you to all members of the Kentucky Board of Education and the Kentucky Department of Education, who have a special place in my heart. You have provided me with guidance and support in a role that is crucial in the enhancement and evolution of education.   

By |2023-06-09T16:10:34-04:00June 8, 2023|
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