A letter to teachers and school staff from Interim Education Commissioner Kevin C. Brown
Dear Public School Family: I just wanted to thank all of you who attended the “Reopening Kentucky Schools: Virtual Town Hall for Educators and Staff” on Thursday. We had more than 3,000 people watching this town hall, which was designed to share information about the guidance documents the Kentucky Department of Education has released and to answer your questions. […]
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s July 10 letter to families
I am pleased to share that the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) announced today that Jason Glass will be Kentucky’s next commissioner of education. Dr. Glass has been serving as superintendent and chief learner for Jeffco Public Schools in the metro Denver area since 2017.
Carta del 26 de junio del Comisionado interino Kevin C. Brown a las familias Por Kevin C. Brown
A medida que continúan las discusiones sobre la reapertura de las escuelas en el otoño, estoy compartiendo con ustedes la guía Healthy at School de Kentucky publicada el miércoles.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s June 26 letter to families
As discussions continue about reopening schools in the fall, I am sharing with you Kentucky's Healthy at School guidance released Wednesday.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s June 5 letter to families
I am writing today because you are critical partners to our educational system. Your voice matters and everything we do in education is a direct response to the teaching and learning that we know is extraordinarily important to the growth of your children.
A statement from Interim Education Commissioner Kevin C. Brown
Our country and our Commonwealth are hurting. So many of us have been shaken over the senseless deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Louisville’s Breonna Taylor. We are seeing an outcry of grief and anger with many of our students, families and educators gathering to speak out about racial injustice.
Help keep your child learning all summer long
While summer is a time for kids to have fun, sleep in and play outside, it’s often a time educators worry about due to the “summer slide”. Also, when we consider the reopening of schools, the effects of summer slide pose greater challenges than ever before.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s May 29 letter to families
All of our schools have now officially finished instruction for the 2019-20 year and what a finish to the year it was. I know I have said this before, but I want to thank you again for everything you did to help your children – our children – complete the school year during this unconventional time.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s May 22 letter to families
To honor the perseverance of our seniors, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has produced “Kentucky’s Tribute to the Class of 2020,” a one-hour program that will be streamed on the department’s special YouTube channel at 7 p.m. ET this Saturday, May 23.
Interim Commissioner Kevin C. Brown’s May 15 letter to families
As this school year draws to a close, I’d like to thank you on behalf of KDE staff and the education profession for your assistance in ensuring Kentucky students continued to learn during the extraordinary circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand the pressures you are facing as you balance caring for children, helping them learn and, in many cases, continuing your own work.