Dear Kentucky Public School Families:
All of our schools have now officially finished instruction for the 2019-20 year and what a finish to the year it was. I know I have said this before, but I want to thank you again for everything you did to help your children – our children – complete the school year during this unconventional time.
I hope that you had a chance to watch Kentucky’s Tribute to the Class of 2020. The tribute was presented by the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, with a goal of giving the Commonwealth’s seniors a special, inspiring send-off that may be enjoyed by family, friends and others across the nation. The event was hosted by Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman.
Since we have had a shorter week due to the Memorial Day holiday, I am going to defer my normal letter to you until next week because we will have a lot more information forthcoming regarding guidelines and recommendations from the Kentucky Department for Public Health, as well as other important guidance documents we are working on for our school districts regarding the reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 year.
In the meantime, we at KDE we would love to see and share photos of our Class of 2020 graduates with their families. We know that our graduates would not have accomplished this major milestone in their lives without the support of their parents, guardians and other members of their families. Please share your photos with me and KDE on social media by tagging by @kycommissioner and @kydeptofed on Twitter and by uploading them to this Google Form.
As your summer break begins, I want to assure you that we are not taking a break here at KDE. As we continue to work to find our new normal, we will continue to provide your school leaders with the necessary guidance to support all students and families during these uncertain times. We are all in this together, working on behalf of our children. We are #TeamKentucky.
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