By Bobby Ellis
The sound of the gavel signaled the end of a vote in the Senate chamber of the Old Capitol as jeers rained down from the spectator’s section, all courtesy of a group of 5th-graders from Johnsontown Road Elementary (Jefferson County) on their field trip to Frankfort.
Though the spectators jokingly voiced their disapproval over the outcome of a mock vote by their classmates, it was all smiles as the 85 students experienced the life of a 19th-century legislator during a tour of the Old Capitol building.
“Government is part of U.S. history and this really enhances what they’ve studied,” said social studies teacher Shirley Montgomery. “I’m very proud of them. You see all these hands go up with the guides ask questions. It’s a great field trip.”
During the tour, students were given parts to play as senators and handled props that would have been carried around by House members during the 19th century.

Students from Johnsontown Road Elementary (Jefferson County) are given a tour of the Old Capitol during a field trip to Frankfort.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016

Jayden Lawless pretends to write with a quill during the tour of the House chamber in the Old Capitol building in Frankfort.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016

Students from Johnsontown Road Elementary School load on a bus to go to the Old Capitol in Frankfort during a field trip.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016

Johnsontown Road Elementary students raise their hands to answer a question while touring the Old Capitol building in Frankfort.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016

Dennis Wright, left, and Gideon Berry look at props in the House chamber of the Old Capitol building on a field trip to Frankfort.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016

Fifth-graders from Johnsontown Road Elementary get off the bus at the Capitol building in Frankfort.
Photo by Bobby Ellis, April 19, 2016
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