
2024 Kentucky High School Teacher of the Year Kumar Rashad gives students who have been in the criminal justice system a chance at success

Every day in Kumar Rashad’s classroom is a call for urgency. “Many of my students have died or got shot and killed,” said Rashad, a mathematics teacher at Breckinridge Metropolitan High School in Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), an alternative school with students who have been in the criminal justice system.

By |2023-09-13T11:23:18-04:00September 13, 2023|

2024 Kentucky Middle School Teacher of the Year Kevin Dailey wants his students to feel supported, included

Kevin Dailey was never supposed to be a teacher. As a child, he had hopes of being an architect, taking an idea and forging it into something that would last forever. “As a child of divorce and of economic insecurity, not much was expected of me at school,” said Dailey, a  at Ballyshannon Middle School (Boone County). “I would finish school, then I would paint houses like my dad and his dad before him.”

By |2024-02-20T16:00:28-05:00September 13, 2023|
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