West Carter Middle School
- Community: Rural northeast Kentucky
- Enrollment: 447
- Grade levels: 6-8
- School schedule: Seven-period day
- www.carter.kyschools.us
Academic Excellence
- PLC meetings are used for analyzing common assessments for instructional impact and curriculum adjustments.
- The progress of individual students is monitored weekly, and when students are not progressing satisfactorily they are identified and interventions implemented.
- Breakfast and lunch buddies provide students with additional time to complete work that was not turned in during class.
- Job-embedded professional development is practiced and is being applied through the curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Developmental Responsiveness
- A summer camp brings together the incoming 6th-graders from the three feeder schools in a fun setting and helps prepare them for the upcoming year.
- Sixth-graders are given time to develop and connect as a class through morning time in the cafeteria and by being housed in a separate wing of the school.
- School’s Take Seven initiative provides all students with daily physical activity.
Social Equity
- Student behavior expectations are taught as a class lesson twice a year and are consistently applied.
- Students are recognized by their lockers being “tagged” when they are involved in school activities and for mastery of standards and good attendance.
- Implementation of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program has lowered office referrals.
Organizational Support
- School leadership has sought outside advice and expertise to spur and maintain school improvement efforts.
- The principal and assistant principal have offices on different floors to be more visible and accessible.
- Through their restructuring plan, ongoing collaboration with a neighboring middle school has been established.
- All students have both reading and language arts as well as two mathematics classes.
Fran Salyers, fran.salyers@eku.edu, (859) 622-1513
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