Sixth-grade student Corey Plahuta works on vocabulary during teacher Robin Miller's class at Mount Washington Middle School (Bullitt County) March 29, 2010. Students are grouped and regrouped as needed, based on skills and academic needs within various content areas. Photo by Amy Wallot
Mount Washington Middle School
- Community: Fast growing suburb of Jefferson County but with a significant rural population
- Enrollment: 507
- Grade levels: 6-8
- School schedule: Five-period day
- www.bullitt.kyschools.us/mwms
Academic Excellence
- Students are grouped and regrouped, as needed, based on skills and academic needs within various content areas.
- Learning targets and agenda assignments are posted in most classrooms daily.
- PLCs meet departmentally at least twice a month for improving and implementing instructional strategies.
Developmental Responsiveness
- Students have the opportunity to be involved in school decision-making through the Student Council and Principal’s Roundtable.
- Teachers attend school and community events in which students are involved.
- General’s Academy provides at-risk students with additional help and support.
- All students develop an ILP through which they explore career interests and postsecondary educational options.
Social Equity
- Behavior expectations have been established and shared with students and families.
- Special effort is made to intentionally integrate teaching about cultural diversity into the curriculum.
- The school partners with many community agencies to provide for the needs of their students.
Organizational Support
- Strong working relationship between the principal and staff exists.
- By using a retired, part-time teacher, Spanish is available to students.
- The principal meets with classified staff weekly so they can communicate their concerns and opinions.
- Principal’s Cabinet is a formal structure that brings together the leadership of the school.
- The district provides one early release day a month.
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