Students celebrate with the Schools to Watch trophy at Chandler's Elementary School's (Logan County) Schools to Watch celebration April 14, 2010. The school's teachers use "I can" statements and learning targets to inform students of what they are learning. Photo by Amy Wallot
Chandler’s Elementary School (Logan County)
- Community: Rural area in southwestern Kentucky
- Enrollment: 145 in grades 6-8
- Grade levels: P-8
- School schedule: Eight-period day
- www.chandlers.logan.k12.ky.us
Academic Excellence
- Formal diagnostic assessments are used as well as analysis of student work to identify needs of individual students.
- Teachers use “I can” statements and learning targets to inform students of what they are learning.
- Vertical and horizontal curriculum and instruction meetings are held for all content areas.
- All students have 90-minute blocks for reading and mathematics.
- Teachers use flexible grouping strategies both during the school day and after school to provide help for students not reaching proficient performance standards.
Developmental Responsiveness
- Schoolwide positive behavior expectations were developed with input from the students.
- Instructional activities use cooperative learning groups and often provide for physical movement.
- Response to Intervention flex groups meet every morning to personalize instruction and provide additional teacher and peer interaction.
- Rachel’s Challenge program has eliminated bullying in the school.
Social Equity
- Full inclusion of special needs students is practiced.
- Common planning time for collaborating and regular education teachers provides time for developing appropriate modifications.
- Observations, walkthroughs and meetings with administrators are used to analyze how well all students have equal access to knowledge and activities.
Organizational Support
- Breaks provide student time for social interactions and physical movement.
- Teachers participated in a retreat focusing on building collegial bonds and a stronger sense of collaboration while drafting interdisciplinary units of study.
- New teachers are paired with mentors within the school and participate in the district’s Professional Growth Academy.
- Teachers are provided a rotation day to use for visiting other school in the district for the purpose of observing and discussing teaching strategies.
- A school book study was conducted using Technology in Classrooms that Work.
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