Conferences & Workshops

Shakespeare event at Murray State

On Jan. 21, Murray State will host the second “Shakespeare in the Schools Teacher Workshop.” This second session will feature presentations by Sarah Enloe, an educator from the American Shakespeare Center, and Rusty Jones, Barbara Cobb and Deborah Bell. Participants will receive teaching materials, additional strategies for addressing Senate Bill 1 concerns and a professional development certificate. To register, go [...]

By |2012-01-18T10:58:02-05:00January 19, 2012|

StageLab offers drama PD

StageLab is offering a professional development session for teachers this Monday, Jan. 16 that will focus on the elements of drama and how they connect to the new English/language arts standards.  The session, which is open drama teachers of all experience levels, will be in Louisville from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $100. Six hours of professional development credit are [...]

By |2012-01-19T10:08:32-05:00January 12, 2012|

Free family history workshop offered

The Digging Deeper for the Gold workshop is scheduled for Dec. 10 in Frankfort. At this workshop, Deborah Lord Campisano will offer advice for determining a research objective and preparing a research strategy for solving family history mysteries. Case study examples will illustrate methods for getting the most from census records and court records including wills, administrations, court minutes, land [...]

By |2011-12-07T12:55:32-05:00December 8, 2011|

Anti-bullying event planned

Quest Education Systems is hosting one-day, anti-bullying workshops Feb. 27 through March 1, 2012 in four Kentucky cities: Owensboro (Feb. 27), Bowling Green (Feb. 28), Corbin (Feb. 29) and Frankfort (March 1). K-12 teachers and administrators will learn about the five types of bullying, how to identify each type, what to do when they occur, and how to prevent them [...]

By |2011-11-15T10:25:49-05:00November 17, 2011|

KTA Professional Development Day

The Kentucky Theater Association’s annual Professional Development Day, which is designed for teachers with all levels of experience teaching drama, is scheduled for Nov. 12. KTA’s Professional Development Day is held in conjunction with its annual conference, which features a high school one-act play festival, a community theater play festival and auditions for performers seeking acting opportunities around the country. [...]

By |2011-10-26T10:28:52-04:00October 27, 2011|

Parent iPad trainings offered

The Western Kentucky Assistive Technology Center will offer iPad training for parents of children with disabilities. The training includes a basic overview of how to navigate the iPad and an opportunity to review apps designed for people with special needs. An iPad will be available for each participant during the training. The training is great opportunity for parents to explore [...]

By |2011-10-11T07:49:57-04:00October 13, 2011|

Training set for school leaders on student disciplinary issues

Do you understand how you get immunity if you are sued by a student due to a disciplinary action? Do you understand the latest rules regarding discipline of public school students?  It is crucial for local school officials to stay abreast of current Kentucky and federal law and district policy in this area to have legal protection should a student [...]

By |2011-10-12T15:43:38-04:00October 13, 2011|

Call for presenters at ELA event

The 76th Annual Kentucky Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts conference will be Feb. 17-18 in Lexington. The theme is “Literacy Matters: The Common Core and Beyond.”  Proposals to present are being accepted until Oct 31. Submit a proposal here.  

By |2020-09-24T10:46:56-04:00October 13, 2011|

Productivity Conference deadline

The registration process for the Nov. 10 Productivity Conference with U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will open up to anyone outside of school districts, co-ops and associations on Oct.1. To guarantee a district has slots for its team, participants must register by Friday, Sept. 30. After that date, the registration will be open to all other interested parties and for [...]

By |2020-09-24T11:07:03-04:00September 29, 2011|
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