Conferences & Workshops

PIMSER offers ACT Boot Camp for Science Teachers

The University of Kentucky’s Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education (PIMSER) will offer an ACT Boot Camp for Science Teachers Sept. 29-30 at the UK/Lexmark Center for Innovation in Math and Science Education in Lexington. The workshop is open to teachers in grades 9-12. Participants will practice strategies for accessing complex tests, analyzing data and opposing arguments, develop tasks [...]

By |2015-09-02T11:33:57-04:00September 3, 2015|

Collaborative summit planned for those working with students with Down, autism

The Bluegrass Center for Teacher Quality will host “Building the Village: A Summit on Down Syndrome and Autism Education,” on Oct. 20 at The Carrick House in Lexington. The event is a day of interdisciplinary professional learning designed to increase collaboration among professionals who work with similar populations of students. Teachers, parents, administrators, social workers, nurses, psychologists and other community [...]

By |2020-10-14T10:15:43-04:00September 3, 2015|

Kentucky Writing Project fall conference scheduled

The Kentucky Writing Project State Network will hold its Fall Conference on Schoolwide Literacy Sept. 12 at the University of Kentucky’s Hilary J. Boone Center in Lexington. The conference is open to educators in all grades and content areas. Participants will learn strategies for improving student achievement in literacy. Some sessions draw on the argument/opinion writing i3 College Ready Writing [...]

By |2015-09-02T11:35:50-04:00September 3, 2015|

Alltech STEMposium targeted to science teachers

Alltech will host STEMposium 2015 on Sept. 26 at the Locust Trace AgriScience Center in Lexington. The event features breakout sessions with hands-on professional development opportunities for K-12 science teachers. The event allows teachers to learn how to incorporate engineering practices into all sciences, discover how Design Thinking can generate interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and engage [...]

By |2015-08-26T15:03:12-04:00August 27, 2015|

NCTM regional meeting scheduled in Nashville

Mathematics educators can sharpen their skills and gain new techniques during the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference & Exposition on Nov. 18-20 in Nashville, Tenn. Six focus strands and nine conference topics will give participants the opportunity to learn the most effective teaching practices within the topics most essential to their teaching. Discounts are available for early-bird [...]

By |2015-08-19T16:23:46-04:00August 20, 2015|

KCTM to hold annual conference in Shelbyville

The Kentucky Council of Teachers of Mathematics will hold its annual conference Oct. 10 at Martha Layne Collins High School in Shelbyville. The theme is “Student Mathematicians in Action,” and sessions will be designed to support the network of teachers and teacher leaders in Kentucky. The deadline for an early registration discount is Oct. 2. Speaker proposals also will be accepted [...]

By |2020-09-22T10:32:11-04:00August 20, 2015|

Residential program offered at Washington’s home

Kentucky teachers in grades 3-12 are invited to apply for a free residential experience at George Washington’s Mount Vernon on Sept. 10-13 in Mount Vernon, Virginia. “A Weekend With George Washington” is a four-day, immersive residential program for teachers from Kentucky and Missouri. Attendees will participate in an intensive study of George Washington and his world through a curriculum that [...]

By |2015-08-05T15:38:39-04:00August 6, 2015|

NKU hosts professional learning for math teachers

A free professional learning experience and support for mathematics teachers is being offered by the Kentucky Department of Education, the Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) and the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services this summer in Highland Heights. “Gathering High Quality Data for Responsive Teaching and Learning, P-12” will focus on formative assessment, questioning strategies, and selection/use of rich tasks [...]

By |2015-07-29T09:40:17-04:00July 30, 2015|

Training on using picture books in science lessons set

Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan, authors of the Picture-Perfect Science lesson series, will hold two workshops on how to use scientific inquiry, the 5 E’s instructional model and reading comprehension strategies and how to train other teachers to do the same Sept. 29-Oct. 1 in Ashland. “Picture-Perfect Science: Using Picture Books to Guide Inquiry” will consist of a teacher workshop for teachers [...]

By |2015-07-22T13:46:30-04:00July 23, 2015|

NBCT teachers invited to participate in collaboration

The Ky NT3’s Classroom Teachers Enacting Positive Solutions (CTEPS) initiative is seeking National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) from across Kentucky to support each other in its work to propose, implement and reflect on solutions to the challenges we face in our classrooms, schools and districts. CTEPS will collaborate throughout the 2015-16 school year to create, research, implement and reflect on [...]

By |2015-07-15T16:03:04-04:00July 16, 2015|
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