Conferences & Workshops

Patent office holding summer teacher institute

The U.S. Patent and Trademark office will hold its National Summer Teacher Institute on Innovation, STEM and Intellectual Property July 17-22 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. The program for K-12 educators combines training tools, practices and project-based learning models to help l teachers incorporate the concepts of making, inventing and innovation into classroom instruction. The central focus [...]

By |2016-03-23T16:01:35-04:00March 24, 2016|

Berea Festival of Learnshops registration open

Registration is open for the Berea Festival of Learnshops July 8-24, which includes workshops lasting from two hours to two days on topics ranging from creative writing to blacksmithing, as well as professional development for educators. A two-day Arts in Education package includes three to nine hours of hands-on sessions and three to nine hours of arts education updates and [...]

By |2020-11-09T15:44:59-05:00March 17, 2016|

Environmental education PD scheduled

Joseph Baust will lead an environmental education professional learning program June 5-11 at Brandon Spring Group Camp in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. The application requires a $50 fee, but all expenses for meals, lodging, materials and supplies will be paid. Email Baust for more information.

By |2016-05-24T10:09:41-04:00March 17, 2016|

‘Maverick’ Federal Reserve bank focus of PD

The Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Kentucky Historical Society are offering a professional learning event led by economic historian David C. Wheelock on April 13 in Frankfort. Teachers can learn about 102 years of St. Louis Fed history and explore how to use it in their classrooms. Wheelock is deputy director and a [...]

By |2016-03-09T16:20:40-05:00March 10, 2016|

Louisville school to host two-day tech conference

Kentucky Country Day School will host Tech Teach Learn, a two-day conference offering an opportunity for K-12 educators to explore effective uses of technology in education, June 20-21 at its Louisville campus. The conference focuses on practical examples of technology used for collaboration, assessment, content delivery and creativity. Conference highlights include keynote presentations, breakout sessions and the “TTL Smackdown,” which [...]

By |2016-03-02T16:16:49-05:00March 3, 2016|

KET offers PD on Holocaust education

Kentucky Educational Television will host “Echoes and Reflections: Leaders in Holocaust Education,” a professional development program for middle and high school teachers, March 17 in Lexington. Echoes and Reflections is a comprehensive Holocaust education program that prepares educators to teach about the Holocaust in a way that stimulates engagement and critical thinking and allows students to see its relevance to [...]

By |2016-03-02T16:18:58-05:00March 3, 2016|

Confucius Institute hosting PD on Chinese ink painting, calligraphy

The University of Kentucky Confucius Institute will host an art professional development event about Chinese ink painting and calligraphy March 12 on the UK campus in Lexington. This event – designed to promote culture exchange and to further enrich the content of art teaching – is open to all full-time art teachers of Kentucky public K-12 schools. Registration is limited [...]

By |2016-02-24T15:27:26-05:00February 25, 2016|

Workshop spotlights summer program on female identity

Educators concerned about the effect of the media’s representation of young men and women have an opportunity to explore this idea through the arts at a workshop March 19 in Lexington sponsored by The Girl Project. The workshop offers both EILA and professional development hours. Click here for more information. Girls in central Kentucky have an opportunity to participate in [...]

By |2020-09-23T12:26:12-04:00February 25, 2016|

Regional farm-to-school conference seeks proposals

Educators are invited to submit workshop proposals for the Southeast Regional Farm to School Conference Sept. 23-24 in Greenville, S.C. Proposals should focus on one of the following topics: community connections, local procurement and cafeteria connections, school gardens, farm to preschool/ECE, getting started and messaging and communications. Teachers, early childhood educators, parents, community health professionals and child nutrition staff members [...]

By |2016-02-24T15:35:48-05:00February 25, 2016|
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