After undergoing a rigorous revision process that began in 2017, revised standards for reading and writing and mathematics have been adopted into law.
The process included revisions by Kentucky educators and community members, public input and review by the Kentucky Board of Education before undergoing final legislative review and adoption during the 2019 Regular Session, which ended in March. The newly adopted standards will be implemented in Kentucky classrooms beginning in the 2019-2020 school year and can be accessed on the Content Area Standards webpage of the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE) website.
The corresponding course standards documents for required reading and writing and mathematics courses have been revised to include the newly adopted standards and are available on KDE’s Course Standards webpage.
Course standards documents were created in 2017 to ensure Kentucky schools provide equitable opportunity and access to research-based student experiences that impact student success. Course standards documents align core academic course codes to Kentucky Academic Standards. The standards aligned to the academic course codes cannot be changed. The alignment serves as a guarantee that students across the Commonwealth all have equitable access to Kentucky Academic Standards.
Senate Bill 1 (2017) called for the Kentucky Department of Education to implement a process for reviewing all academic standards and aligned assessments beginning in the 2017-2018 school year. The current schedule calls for one or two content areas to be reviewed each year and every six years thereafter on a rotating basis. The rotation schedule began in summer 2017 by soliciting feedback on English/language arts, mathematics and health/physical education standards. For more information regarding the standards revision process, visit the Kentucky Academic Standards Revision Process webpage.
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