The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University (WKU) is hosting a series of workshops this fall for Kentucky educators.

On Sept. 24, WKU will host the Berta Seminar with Andi McNair, a gifted education consultant and specialist. In this learning experience, educators will explore Genius Hour, a classroom strategy that empowers learners to pursue their passions and interests. Educators will explore the “what” of Genius Hour, understanding its foundational principles and how it fosters student autonomy, creativity, and self-directed learning – concepts that are vital for gifted learners. Strategies and activities shared can be applied to various classroom projects and units.

On Oct. 1, WKU will host a differentiation workshop with Julia Link Roberts, executive director of the Center for Gifted Studies at WKU. The basics of differentiation that is defensible will be the topic of this workshop for elementary and middle school educators. The goal is to examine differentiation from planning and pre-assessing to reflecting with a focus on being practical.

On Oct.  23, WKU will host the Twice-Exceptional Students Seminar with Susan Baum, chancellor of the Bridges Graduate School for Cognitive Diversity in Education. The Twice-Exceptional Student Seminar will provide information and strategies on supporting Twice-Exceptional learners, who are defined as having at least one exceptional ability and disability, like autism, ADHD, a learning disability or anxiety.