The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released the third edition of a report, Climate Change Indicators in the United States, which may be of interest to teachers. The report presents observed data on key measures of our environment, including U.S. and global temperature and precipitation, ocean heat and acidity, sea level, length of growing seasons and more.

The report includes more than 80 maps and graphs showing long-term trends and demonstrating how climate change is already affecting our environment and our society. It also adds new features that connect observed data records to local communities and areas of interest, including cherry blossom bloom dates in Washington D.C., the timing of ice breakup in two Alaskan rivers, temperature and drought in the Southwest and land loss along the mid-Atlantic coast.

A PDF copy of the full report, a highlights brochure and a slide show on key findings are available at The page also includes a link to a students’ site on climate change: