Nominations are being accepted for the 2015 class of inductees into the Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame. The deadline is July 15.

Please click here for more information about the Hall of Fame and to access to a nomination form.

The Gov. Louie B. Nunn Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame was established in 2000 through a generous gift from former governor Nunn. With his gift, Nunn hoped to recognize the vital role that P-12 Kentucky teachers play in the education of young people, ultimately leading to positive impacts throughout the state’s economy. The first class was inducted in 2008. New members are inducted each year.

Western Kentucky University was selected as the home of the Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame because of its 100-year history in teacher education and commitment to excellence in this field. WKU has consistently been one of the top producers of teachers, counselors, school administrators, and other school personnel in the state.

Inquiries and/or additional information also may be directed to Tammy Spinks (270) 745-4664 or