The Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB) honored the 100th anniversary of KSB Boy Scout Troop 10 and presented the prestigious Paul J. Langan Distinguished Service Award to Pauletta Feldman during its 169th Founder’s Day Program recently. Boy Scout Troop 10 was formed in 1911 and is the oldest troop in the country serving students with disabilities. Throughout the years, the troop has been involved in local service activities and has provided recreational activities for boys who are blind and visually impaired. Feldman has served as an advocate for KSB for the past two decades. As a parent of a son who is blind, she has shared her experiences and expertise with other parents, educators and service providers on both a state and national basis. As a retiree of Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) in Louisville, Feldman has authored the very popular “Can Do” video scripts for parents of young children with visual impairments, served as editor of the VIPS newsletter and coordinated family support services.
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