The Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center has published a number of new webinars that you might find useful.
“Reunification after a Community-Wide Disaster: Planning Tools for Schools”
Presenters discuss issues related to minors being separated from their parents or legal guardians after an emergency or disaster, planning for reunification and resources that schools, school districts and their community partners can use to facilitate reunification.
“Food Safety and Emergencies: Preparedness Activities for Schools”
Learn about how to protect the K-12 school community from intentional and accidental food-related threats and hazards, how the U.S. Department of Agriculture can support preparedness efforts and action steps to take to be ready for an emergency or disaster, as well as response and recovery considerations.
“Emergency Evacuations: Planning for the Whole School Community”
Presenters discuss issues related to identifying on- and off-site assembly areas, transportation considerations, meeting the needs of students with disabilities or access and functional needs and share lessons at the local level.
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