The FY2012 Promise Neighborhoods Grants support cradle-to-career services designed to improve educational and developmental outcomes for students in our nation’s most distressed urban and rural neighborhoods.
The U.S. Department of Education (USED) encourages potential applicants to review the documents on the Promise Neighborhoods Web page to learn more about the planning and implementation competitions. The deadline for submitting a notice of intent to apply is June 8, and applications are due by July 27 at 4:30 p.m. ET.
Eligible organizations for both Promise Neighborhoods planning and implementation grants include: nonprofit organizations, which may include faith-based nonprofit organizations; institutions of higher education; and Indian tribes.
USED also has invited people from various backgrounds and professions with content expertise to apply to be peer reviewers for the FY2012 Promise Neighborhoods Planning and Implementation Competitions. Anyone interested in being considered to be a peer reviewer must submit a completed application no later than June 8.
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